Piper Doll Synthetic Wig 60% #20

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Piper Doll official – synthetic wig #20 – density 60%.


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Maintenance Tips

  • Protect the wig from dust during storage
  • Detangle it regularly if used

Prefers a metal comb for synthetic wigs and a wooden comb for natural wigs
When combing at the roots, do not press too hard to avoid pulling out the strands. Gently work down to the tips.

It is normal to lose hair if you comb or handle it regularly, especially in the beginning. The lifespan of a regularly used synthetic wig is 6 months to 1 year on average, 3 years for the most meticulous people with perfect maintenance and premium quality. A human hair wig can vary from 1 to 5 years with perfect maintenance.

How to wash and carefully untangle a wig?

  • Untangling the wig when dry
  • In a tub or bathtub, water at 30°C, pour conditioner and mix well.
  • Comb the wig before plunging it into the water.
  • Gently comb the wig immersed in soapy water from the roots to the tips
  • Let stand for 20 mins
  • Turn the wig over and re-comb the submerged wig
  • Let stand for 20 mins
  • Rinse the wig thoroughly from the roots to the tips
  • Combing to detangle
  • With one hand inside, lightly shake the wig to drain and add volume
  • Allow to air dry on a support until completely dry

How to keep the style of the wig?

You’re wondering if you’re going to keep those nice curls on his wig even after washing.

Yes, as long as you don’t exceed the maximum temperature of 40°C and don’t use a hair dryer.

A synthetic wig being a plastic, it deforms in contact with heat or if it is permanently folded or pressed.

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How to put on or take off a Wig ?

Each wig is equipped with clips to hold it firmly on your doll’s head. You are not obliged to use this feature in most cases. It is advisable if you want your love doll to keep her hair in place, especially if you play with her, when you move or move around.

A wig that is too tight and worn for several hours can leave marks on the skull of your TPE doll. This one should ideally fit her skull without compressing it. Allow for some adjustments if necessary for a use longer than 4 hours.

Make sure that the skull is well powdered especially if the inside of the wig is dark in order to avoid colour transfer to your TPE doll.

  • Remove the earrings and gather the hair
  • Insert the wig first at the level of the forehead and then towards the back of the head
  • Put your hands behind your skull to tighten and adjust the wig
  • Clip on the wig if necessary

Easily put or take off a wig on your doll on video